"The Service and Logistics Management give complete control over the transportation assets and vehicles with service and logistics management module. The module tracks every shipment and vehicle in real time."
Services and Logistics Management
Service and logistics management module in Lighthouse ERP is the backbone of the entire supply chain. Logistics module in Lighthouse ERP controls the entire transportation requirements of the industry. Right from warehouses the module tracks the transportation assets and shipment in real time to update in the system. Logistics industry is extremely uncertain due to climatic or road conditions, hence logistics module keeps it in check.
Logistics management module deals with supply chain directly to ensure that everything is managed smoothly. Industry can optimize the entire process of shipment and delivery with logistics and service management module in Lighthouse ERP. This module helps the industry in resolving and eliminating the complexities industries face during transportation, that is untimely delivery. The module keeps track of every shipment and updates the system time to time.
Logistics management module is integrated with various other modules to provide seamless communication across all the modules for tracking of shipments and supply chain. Logistics module also helps in improving the overall relationship with the end customers or distributors by timely delivering the shipments. The module empowers the industry or organization to improve various aspects of the business and streamline the operations.
Lighthouse module of logistics management helps the industry in managing elements like labor cost, fuel cost, asset management, import/export duties, material cost, freight cost, maintenance cost, record of damaged goods, payment follow up from customers, and manpower management. These elements control the entire logistics industry, and logistics management module in Lighthouse ERP software helps the industry in controlling and aligning all the elements.